Monday, June 16, 2008

Corporate Strategy and Management Style

Since becoming Cupid’s Chairman, I began to redirect the company’s business strategy. The new corporate plan was based on the following:
  • Rising worldwide demand of male and female condoms;
  • The need to increase Cupid's production capacity to compete on a worldwide basis;
  • The benefit of an aggressive sales approach, even accepting customer orders at cost to generate cash flow.
My goal was to increase the company’s turnover 400% (to Rs. Crores 100) over the next 4 years, through internal growth and possible acquisitions. The overall objective of my business plan was to make Cupid Ltd. one of the lowest-cost producers of condoms in the world.

Meaning in Life

Happiness to me means getting satisfaction from the work we enjoy doing every single day. My passion for travelling has allowed me to visit over 35 countries in the past 40 years. I am an optimist and I believe in positive thinking. “Success is a journey, not a destination.” (Arthur Ashe).